Author of Visionary Fiction & Fantasy
Maighread MacKay
Murder at Mother's

She rose and paced the room. “This has to be a cosmic joke. Look at me. Sprawled in a soggy bed dressed in my old comfy jammies. I can’t let any of them see me like this. I must wake up.”
Determined, she strode back to the bed and reached out to shake herself awake, but, as before, her hands went right through the body. She couldn’t grasp anything. Panic like an icy waterfall flooded her being. Death couldn’t visit tonight! She screamed, sparks from her dream body exploding into the room. “No. This can’t be happening. Not now. Wake up, Martha. Wake up, you silly old fool.”
Zeus laid his head on his paws, dark brown eyes watching his mistress. His body trembling, he whined. Martha looked at her companion. Her beloved boy. Frustration, anger, and dismay all fought for pre-eminence.

Reviewed By Susan Sewell for Readers’ Favorite
A murder, a missing will, and a ghost are all present on the Bancroft estate in the intriguing mystery novel, Murder at Mother's by Maighread MacKay. Martha Bancroft is a very strong and opinionated woman and consistently exasperates her greedy children. Since her husband passed away several years previously, Martha runs the horse ranch that she and her husband built together. Recently, a construction company has offered Martha and her neighbors a substantial amount of money for their properties. Despite her family's desire for her to sell, Martha steadfastly refuses to comply, even after she has had a few suspicious near accidents. To prove her decision, Martha calls her family together for a surprise announcement. After giving her stunned and not so happy family her news, Martha takes herself off to bed. Unfortunately, someone in the family has a surprise of their own for Martha. She is quietly murdered in her bed, and one of her family members did it. Now Martha is really riled, but now that she is dead, how can she avenge her own death?
Murder at Mother's by Maighread MacKay is an engaging murder mystery, with a novel approach. The story has insightful views into the afterlife and amusing moments as the reader delves into the psyche of someone who has unfinished business. The plot containing a cantankerous ghost who wants to solve her own murder before moving on to the next plane offers a fascinating and entertaining twist to a sleuth mystery. The other characters and their stories are intricately woven into the plot, working well together, and forming a great cast of suspects that keep the reader guessing until the denouement. This is a thrilling and humorous novel that will delight fans of sleuth murder mysteries.