Author of Visionary Fiction & Fantasy
Maighread MacKay
Glimmers. Those tiny, seemingly insignificant moments when we feel a sense of joy, pleasure, peace, and gratitude.
Set in both ancient and modern eras, this collection of nine short stories present a loving and uplifting view of the Architect of the Universe to help the reader appreciate their life and understand they are loved.
The book focuses on the retelling of four parables from the Christian scriptures. How did each person react on meeting the young rabbi from Nazareth? A parable from the Buddhist text, the Tittha Sutta. Why do we view the Creator the way we do? And a few original pieces touching on creation and self image.
If you enjoy stories with beautiful language, glimmers of hope and encouraging self-esteem, you’ll enjoy this little book.
Click on the cover to put a little bounce in your step as you face the day